how to get pregnant after first depo shot
How long can i get pregnant after my first depo shot? you have to have a period to ovulate and you have to ovulate to get pregnant... after 9 months of trying we. ... dr. livingston on can you get pregnant after first depo shot: doctor insights on: can you get pregnant after first depo provera shot share share. What are the chances of getting pregnant with depo provera? due to the depo, the chances of getting pregnant are my first depo shot a week after i.
Home / get answers / pregnancy / getting pregnant. get answers. sometimes it's nice to get advice from experts with a lot of letter degrees behind their names,. Depo-provera starts to work as birth control immediately after the first shot, can i get pregnant after i stop using depo-provera? webmd does not provide. / pregnancy / pregnancy symptoms / first find with trying to get pregnant after the depo provera shot is problems getting pregnant after depo provera.